About Us

About Us

Add: Pingquan Town, Pingquan County, Hebei Province
General Manager: Wang Jun
Mobile: 13808801633 Tel: 0314-6203021
Assistant General Manager: Cong Weizi
Mobile: 15133863258
Market One: Tel: 0314-6276212
Mr. Wang 18233883818 Mr. Chen 15128615111
Ms.  B u    18931420358 Mr. Yin  18560056723     
Market Department 2: Tel: 0314-6276198
Wang Linqing (hydrofluoric acid, aluminum fluoride) Mobile: 13932465369
Ministry of Foreign Trade: Wang Weiwei
Mobile: +86-18600972314
Tel: + 86-10-6409697-8202
Email: scott@ronzlle.com


Home > About Us > Culture

Enterprise tenetQuality first, customer first

Management ideaQuality integrity

Enterprise stylePragmatic and efficient, pioneering and innovative.

Employee conceptHonest man, sincere entrepreneurship.

Team consciousnessThe heart is full, Taishan moves.

Service ideaCustomer first, sincere and efficient.